We have had a fantastic couple of weeks here on “The Hill.” From the championship run of our football team, to a great crowd at Grandparent’s Day, it has been a truly great time to be a Chief!

And what great crowd support we had in Jackson with everyone wearing their championship game day t-shirts. It was great to see a huge crowd of cardinal in the home stands at MC.

From the promise of the future to the celebration of the past, last Monday we honored our grandparents. Elementary students had a special program for their grandparents and everyone had such a great time sharing and visiting throughout the day. This past Tuesday, our fourth grade presented a patriotic assembly to honor our veterans and their sacrifice for our freedom. With the National Guard presenting the colors and the beautiful patriotic songs, everyone certainly enjoyed the program. A special thank you goes to Nancy Warren for directing the program.
As we enter this Thanksgiving season, be sure to count our many blessings and look for opportunities to serve. In the coming weeks, the Interact Club will be collecting Toys for the children at LeBonheur Hospital and Operation Shoe Box will come to a close. I want to thank all our students for their help in these and all of our service projects.